michael dell, above below

Endless Days: Make a Layered Painted Scene showing Atmospheric Weather
Until Aug 24, 2025

Students will be inspired by the beautiful atmospheric paintings of Michael Dell. They will learn and practice techniques of layering in paint before making their own atmospheric painting which shows a special place from around our region.

Learning Areas: Visual Arts
Duration: 75 – 90 minutes depending on level.
Class Level: Years 0 and up

diane prince, activist artist exhibition

Art as Voice: Exploring Aotearoa Histories with Diane Prince
10 May – 5 October 2025

Diane Prince (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Whatua, and Ngāti Kahu) is a multimedia artist who highlights Māori rights through her artwork. This exhibition showcases her work, offering students a meaningful way to explore Aotearoa Histories. Students will discuss and engage with these important themes, before creating their own artwork expressing ideas around Aotearoa Histories.

Learning Areas: Visual Arts, Aotearoa Histories
Duration: 75 – 90 minutes depending on level.
Class Level: Years 3 and up

Warwick Freeman, Dead Set II (detail), 2006. Collection of The Suter

Art to Wear: Aotearoa Contemporary Jewellery Triennale 2025
8 March - 8 June 2025

An exhibition of contemporary jewellery coinciding with Nelson Jewellery Week. Students will look at, discuss, and draw from this exhibition of contemporary jewellery/body adornment and objects by makers from Aotearoa New Zealand, and then make tiny worn sculptures in response to their learning.

Curriculum Areas: Visual Arts, Technology
Duration: 75 – 90 minutes depending on level
Levels: Years 0 and up