Deep Material Energy: eight makers from Naarm/Melbourne and Aotearoa exploring materiality through contemporary jewellery/body adornment/object - Claire McArdle, Cara Johnson, Inari Kiuru, Kelly McDonald, Victoria McIntosh, Neke Moa, Rowan Panther, and Lisa Waup.
This group exhibition comprising four makers from Aotearoa New Zealand (McDonald, McIntosh, Moa and Panther), and four makers based in Naarm/Melbourne (McArdle, Johnson, Kiuru and Waup), brings together a suite of practices that involve a deep and holistic engagement with materiality and process. They are working with curatorial collaborator Heather Galbraith.
Starting with an online conversation in September 2021, the project has evolved into conversations, exchanges, a conference presentation and exhibitions, with insights into process noted on the website
These practices all demonstrate a deep connection with, and curiosity about, the materials they work with. Their investigations stem from the cultural and political resonances of materials and processes of making, shaping, and transforming, and the context of working in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, within Moana Oceania. Each maker approaches these factors distinctly. Their interrogation of materials are intense and ongoing, aware of the histories and legacies of the materials and making processes they employ. This includes the pre-body adornment/craft-object life of the stone, shells, seeds, textiles, plant matter (e.g. muka/flax fibre), found materials in urban and rural space, and metals they are using. A range of forms will be presented including objects, images and moving image.
Cara Johnson, 'Hollow' (detail), 2020, found tree guard, found silage net, dimensions variable. Image credit. Fred Kroh
Rowan Panther, 'Brooch #1', 2019, muka, stg silver, 18ct gold, 360 x 360mm. Image credit. Rowan Panther