Neke Moa Papatūānuku 2021, driftwood, shell, seed necklace,paint
Contemporary jeweller Neke Moa (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Ahuriri, Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) presents essential items for survival and revival in the ever changing world.
Choose your weapon! Everyday we face challenges that require action, inaction, and/or reaction. From the realm of the Tūrehu (magical beings), materials gifted from Taiao (environment), this collection of weapons cater for those that wish to join the battle to protect and fight purposefully and powerfully in this reality and in the realms seen and unseen.
Works include:
Ngati Pukana 2020 – she allows the wearer to stand and to speak within her own truth, empowering, protective and provocative.
Materials: Pounamu, driftwood, nylon, shell
Waka 2020 – time travelling vessel
Materials: Pounamu, bone, muka.
Poutama 2020 – music that transends, weaves, flows calling to the past, present and future.
Materials: Pounamu, driftwood, muka, shell
Kainga 2021- dualities, tikanga, rites and rituals to keep things tika (correct).
Materials: Pounamu, driftwood, pastel, muka, shell
Māripi 2020 – to draw blood, cleanse and purify.
Materials: Pounamu, driftwood, cord, muka, shell
Kararehe 2021 – totem of the animals, realm of the animals, mythical and magical.
Materials: driftwood, shell, muka
Toki 2021 – a weapon that cuts and slices through bad energy, transformational
Materials: driftwood, pearl shell, material
Whaea Keke 2021 – holder of heart energy, wraps and squeezes the light for healing and care.
Materials: seed necklace, shell, driftwood
Raupatu 2021 – clears and unblocks creativity held by the stubborn mind
Materials: bone, driftwood, harakeke, muka
Rākau heru 2021– portal opener
Materials: driftwood, glass, paua, pastel
Ka Huri 2021– Brings oneness and conscious connectedness.
Materials: driftwood, paint, shell
Mokomoko 2021 – Harbinger of messages from other dimentions
Materials: driftwood, muka, pastels
Showing in The Hursthouse Barnicoat Contemplation Gallery